January 26, 2018
There will always be a reason why you still haven’t shed those few extra pounds you have packed on. A few cookies here and a donut there, and the next thing you know is the weighing machine displaying a panic-inducing number.
” I began to prioritize exercise because I realized that my happiness is tied to how I feel about myself. I want my girls to see a mother who takes care of herself, even if that means I have to get up at 4:30 so I can do a workout. ” – Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States

Healthy weight loss is a gradual process, that much is true. But incorporating small changes in your lifestyle can show really fast results, in as less as 10 days.
Lose Weight In JustClick here to view an enlarged version of this infographic

Table Of Contents

  1. Eat More Fiber
  2. Reduce The Intake Of Carbohydrates
  3. Eat Healthier Fats
  4. Incorporate A Workout Regimen Into Your Schedule
  5. Cut Out Empty Calories
  6. Choose Better Snacks
  7. Get Rid Of Junk
  8. Eat Smaller Portions
  9. Cook Your Own Meals
  10. Drink More Water
  11. Don’t Give Up
  • A Diet Plan
  • Experts Tips To Lose Weight in 10 Days


1. Eat More Fiber

The best way to reduce calorie intake is by incorporating more fiber into your diet. The recommended amount is about 30 grams a day, but most people don’t consume enough fiber.

How Is It Helpful?

Fiber is of two types, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber absorbs water and transforms into a gel during digestion. Insoluble fiber remains undigested as it passes through your system. Both types of fiber slow down the process of digestion, and helps you feel fuller for longer .

2. Reduce The Intake Of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are a staple in the diet of many. In fact, of all the food groups, the amount of carbs consumed is the highest. This poses a problem because every gram of carbohydrate contains four calories. And most foods that are rich in carbs barely possess any other nutrients.

How Is It Helpful?

Filling yourself up with carbs adds a lot of calories to your diet, which is why cutting back on carbs can be a great step towards weight loss.

3. Eat Healthier Fats

There is this prevalent misconception that fats are bad for you. That isn’t entirely true. There are healthy fats and there are the unhealthy ones. You need to make sure that the fats you eat are good for your health.

How Is It Helpful?

Most junk foods contain unhealthy or saturated fats. They are the ones responsible for an array of diseases. But unsaturated fats, which is found in avocado, olive oil, and nuts, can help lower cholesterol and the risk for heart diseases when had in moderation.

” Personally, I love the gym. I love being around people who are sweaty and pushing themselves, who are all focused on the same goals. I love being in a group like that. ” – Cameron Diaz, American Actress

4. Incorporate A Workout Regimen Into Your Schedule

Exercise and weight loss go hand in hand. While it might not be possible to start working out an hour a day overnight, you can start by doing small things at a time. A 15 minutes walk, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator are good ways to start.

How Is It Helpful?

Even if you don’t end up working out a lot, a little exercise is better than no exercise. Regular exercise helps burn calories and boosts your metabolism. It also helps in maintaining your muscle mass, and since muscles need more calories than fat, you end up burning a substantial amount of calories every day.

5. Cut Out Empty Calories

It is easy to lose track of everything you eat. Some of us even eat without registering it. How many times have you given a thought to your morning cappuccino, and the fact that it can contain over 120 calories?

How Is It Helpful?

We tend to consume a lot of things that are high in calories, but don’t even count as food. Carbonated drinks, coffee, and junk like chips are some examples. So it is important to register what you are eating, and keep track. You can cut back on a lot of calories just by avoiding foods that don’t fill you up.

6. Choose Better Snacks

Three meals a day can leave you feeling hungry in between. And that’s where most of us slip up. Even if we try eating meals that are healthy, we end up binging on snacks that are anything but. And this has a huge impact on our weight, so we should opt for better snack options.

How Is It Helpful?

The biggest culprit that causes weight gain is our habit of unhealthy snacking. Fries and chips and cookies do nothing to fill us up, but add a lot of carbs, sugar, and fat. It is also difficult to stop at one or two because we still feel so hungry. So opt for snacks that have a high fiber content.

” I do a lot of things with little weights—like, I’ll put on a song that I really like and I’ll do [bicep curls with] 5-pound weights for the duration of the song and just try to burn out. ” – Beyonce, American Singer, Songwriter

7. Get Rid Of Junk

Most of us find it difficult to let go of our favorite foods. Chips and cookies might be fattening and unhealthy, but we still end up having them. Which is why not buying junk food is a good step towards losing weight.

How Is It Helpful?

The reason we eat so much junk is because we buy it, and keep it available and accessible. You know the saying, ‘out of sight, out of mind’. Purging your pantry and fridge of high-in-calories and low-in-nutrients food can help you cut back on unhealthy snacking.

8. Eat Smaller Portions

One of the main reasons we break from our diet plans is the fact that it is really difficult to resist temptation. A few days of green smoothies and salads, and you find yourself gorging on every kind of junk imaginable. Most of us don’t have the willpower to keep eating something we despise for a long period of time. Which is why deprivation doesn’t work. The best way to have want we want, and not gain weight is by eating smaller portions.

How Is It Helpful?

The idea behind smaller portions comes from the fact that it takes your brain about 20 minutes to process what you eat. So, you may not even realize that your stomach is full and keep eating. It is necessary that you take breaks between servings to actually gauze whether you are hungry anymore.

When you see more food on your plate, you tend to eat more. So it makes sense to serve yourself smaller portions. This way, you know you’re not overeating. And it can help you lose weight, and without you having to give up your favorite foods.

9. Cook Your Own Meals

With work and miscellaneous other tasks demanding our attention, cooking your own meals can seem like too much of a chore. But if you are looking to lose weight, this is a great step you can take.

How Is It Helpful?

The best way to determine if the meal you are eating is healthy for you is by making it yourself. That way, you get to experiment with what you like and what you don’t. You also get to try out low calorie alternatives of your favorite dishes. This helps you control to your portions.

” I eat like a caveman. I’ll be the only actress who doesn’t have anorexia rumors. I don’t want little girls to be like, ‘Oh, I want to look like Katniss, so I’m going to skip dinner’ … I was trying to get my body to look fit and strong – not thin and underfed. ” –  Jennifer Lawrence, American Actress

10. Drink Enough Water

Drinking enough water is really important for your health. Insufficient water intake could actually be impacting how much you weigh.

How Is It Helpful?

Sometimes, thirst can be misinterpreted as hunger pangs by your brain. So, to gauze whether you are really hungry or not, try drinking a glass of water before eating anything.

11. Don’t Give Up

There are times when temptation gets the better out of us, and we end up binging on junk. Or we go to a party and end up eating way more than what we had planned.

There will always be instances where we fall off the wagon. And it can seem all too easy to give up on the whole notion of losing weight. But even if you slip once or twice (or a hundred times), go back to sticking to your diet.

How Is It Helpful?

Experts agree that going off your diet is bound to happen. But they also agree that you should go back to it if you want to keep off the weight that you had lost in the first place.

A Diet Plan

A low calorie diet doesn’t have to be the ordeal it is made out to be. If you stick to three meals and two snacks a day, you ought to stay full.

There are plenty of recipes that you can try for breakfast, lunch, and dinner that not just aid in weight loss, but are delicious to boot.


There are those who consider breakfast to be the most important meal of the day, and preach that it is something that should never be skipped. The logic was that if you missed breakfast, you would be hungrier at lunch, and you might even indulge in pre-lunch snacking. But recent research shows that how much you eat at lunch does not really depend on whether or not you’ve had breakfast.

But skipping meals is never a good idea, because it brings with it a plethora of health issues. So, when weight loss is on your mind, you can go for good old oatmeal or try out a high fiber, super-healthy smoothie.

1. Mixed Berries Smoothie

Ingredients Needed

  • 1/3 cup blueberries
  • 1/3 cup strawberries
  • 1/3 cup raspberries
  • 1 banana
  • 2 tablespoons ground flaxseed
  • 1/2 cup fat-free yogurt
  • 3/4 cup skim milk
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

How To Make

Add all of the ingredients in a blender, and blend until it is smooth.

2. Frappuccino Oats

Ingredients Needed

  • ½ cup oats
  • ½ cup skim milk
  • ½ cup water
  • ¼ tablespoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon instant coffee

How To Make

  • Combine all the ingredients in a pot.
  • Place over medium flame and bring it to boil.
  • Wait for the oats to cool down a little before consuming.

Lunch And Dinner

Lunch is the most important meal of the day. What you have for lunch should get you through the day, all the way to dinner, with maybe a snack in between. Which is why it should be filling, but healthy and low in calories.

If you get your lunch on the go, make sure that you opt for options that don’t contain high-fat dressing or empty calories. Something along the lines of grilled chicken on whole grain bread is ideal.

Your dinner, while not too heavy, should be able to sustain you through the night. A stew, served without bread or rice, should work very well.

3. Chicken Stew

Ingredients Needed

  • 2 cups cooked boneless chicken, cubed
  • 2 cups chopped onion
  • 2 cups whole peeled tomatoes
  • 1 cup chopped celery
  • 2 cups sliced carrots
  • 1 cup sweet corn
  • 1 cup peas
  • 5 cups chicken broth

How To Make

  • In a large pot, combine all the ingredients.
  • Stir together, and cook for half an hour or till the vegetables are tender.

4. Spiced Tofu

Ingredients Needed

  • 1/2 kg reduced-fat tofu, cubed
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar

How To Make

  • Heat the oils in a pan, and saute the tofu till it is golden brown.
  • Remove the pan from the flame, and add the soy sauce and vinegar.


When you stay hungry, all the junk you are trying to avoid can get too tempting to resist. To keep yourself from getting too hungry between meals, always keep something with you that you can munch on. It doesn’t always have to be celery or carrot sticks. You can always treat yourself to something delicious that isn’t completely terrible for your diet.

5. Peanut Butter And Apple Sandwich

Ingredients Needed
  • 1 medium-sized apple
  • 1 tablespoon creamy peanut butter

How To Make

  • Core the apple, and cut it into slices. A medium sized apple should get you eight slices. If you’re not planning on eating them immediately, brush the slices with lemon juice so that they don’t turn brown.
  • Spread peanut butter over each four of the slices. Cover them with the leftover slices.

6. Baked Chickpeas With Spices

Ingredients Needed

  • 1/3 cup chickpeas
  • ½ teaspoon mixed spices (garlic powder, onion powder, paprika)
  • A pinch of salt

How To Make

  • Wash and drain the chickpeas.
  • Marinate it in the spices.
  • Place in a preheated oven and bake for 40 minutes.

Crash Diet For Losing Weight In 10 Days

There is one important thing that you should keep in mind – that you may not end up losing as much weight as you want to. The initial few kilos/pounds will be easy to shed, but after that, it can get a little tougher. The weight loss won’t be as drastic as it was. But the thing is, you are making changes to your lifestyle and heading down a path of better health. Sustainable weight loss is better for you in the long term.

But if your are looking to lose weight real quick, maybe for an important function or to fit into a dress you haven’t worn in a while, you can lose a substantial amount of weight quickly by following a strict diet. But a word of caution before you dive deep, you may put back the weight you’ve lost once you go off the diet plan.

For more inspiration, read what the experts have to say!

Experts Tips To Lose Weight in 10 Days:

1. Astrid Swan McGuire
  •  Cut out all soda pop and only drink water and herbal tea for beverages
  • Cut out all salt and sugar!
  •  Get a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio every day. Sweat

2. Lauren Roxburgh
1. Rebounding – stimulates your lymphatic system, flushes toxins, burns fat and helps with digestion.
68% more effective than running to lose weight!
Try 15 minutes/day for 10 days.

2. Himalayan salt baths… This is = a 2 day detox + reduces inflammation and water retention. Add 1-2 cups of salt to a hot bath.
If you can’t take a bath, try a hot sauna – sweat!

3. Try Foam Rolling – to increase circulation, smooth out thick, bulky, dense areas of the body and reduce stress and calm your nervous system!

4. Drink 1/4 cup coconut H2O + 1/2 squeezed lemon + cayenne pepper to taste + 16 oz of water…2xs/day – it will de-bloat, stimulate your metabolism and make you less hungry!

3. Will Pike
1. Breathe before reaching for food:

Weight gain is generally a result of giving in to cravings, which come from our emotions, fears or lack of love. By taking a few breaths before eating, you can ask yourself what you’re REALLY craving. More times than not it will be things like peace, connection, a hug or simply some water.

2. Appreciate your body:

Some of my clients have lost up to 6 pounds in a week simply by developing a new relationship with their body. Appreciating it is like appreciating part of yourself, and sends positive signals to your cells, which in turn will start functioning better and more efficiently, leading to health and weight loss.

3. Face the truth of your current situation:

Write down the current habits and excuses that are holding you back as well as all the emotions you hold regarding your weight (ex anger, fear, guilt, sadness).

Feelings are held within the body as energy and lead to weight gain. They also affect our habits and behaviors.

Many of my clients have lost weight simply by acknowledging the truth and by bringing their current choices to their awareness.

4. Hayden William Courtland
1. Decrease your consumption of refined carbohydrates and replace with more protein and healthy fats.

2. When working out, use shorter bouts of high intensity exercise (i.e., 10 min of on and off sprints) more frequently than long, slow exercises (i.e., steady pace treadmill running).

3. Make sure you are getting plenty of quality sleep at night (at least 7 hours, preferably

5. Steve Maxwell
1. Cut out starchy carbohydrate foods e.g., sugars, starches, pastry and bread of all kinds. FRESH FRUIT IS FINE

2. Eat a large, raw vegetable salad each day and a serving of animal protein four times a week.

3. Stop any excessive water-drinking.

6. Amber Ellison Walker
1. Get enough sleep: So much is dependent on how much sleep you get every night; hormone levels, stress, decision making abilities, general mood, and appetite.

2. Don’t expect miracles: It’s common to want to meet your goals as quickly as possible. With weight loss, the slow and steady path is always the long term winner.

3. Pay Attention: Are you actually hungry when you eat? Do you stop eating before you feel over stuffed?  Are you eating mindlessly while you watch TV.

7. Dai Manuel:Dai Manuel
1. Drink MORE water

2. Eat LESS (all about creating a calorie deficit – eating a little less than what your body needs – you can do this by eating a little less, and moving a little more – I prefer doing a combo of both)

3. Move MORE (starting with the 1% solution – just 15 minutes per day – we all have 15 minutes!)

8. Kathy Glabicky1. Drinks tons of water!

2. Do some high intensity interval workouts- like Kathy G’s Tread Tabata. More bang for your buck and you get an after burn that keeps burning long after you have left the gym.

3. Eat clean! No processed foods. Fruit and veggies and lean protein only!

9. Elizabeth Kovar
-Keep Moving! This doesn’t necessarily always mean working out in a scheduled exercise routine. But moving throughout the day, such as walking, cleaning house, standing and running errands burns extra calories throughout the day. Research is now showing that those who move frequently throughout the day have been weight loss success and easily maintain goals.

-Increase Your Vegetable & Fruit Consumption! Not only is food medicine, but India is stacked with nutrient-powered fruits and vegetables such as mangosteen, pomegranates and okra. Research continuously shows that high plant-based diets not only decrease the risk of heart disease, but are slimmer in nature.

-Make a Plan! Challenging yourself to lose weight in 10 days, is beneficial for a challenge, but this is the ideal time to make a lifestyle plan. Large weightloss pursuits take time, patience and perseverance. Most large gains come from lifestyle changes, so this is the time to recognized your faults or negative habits – without judgement! 

10. Katy Clark
1. Pick protein and veggies!! Stay far from sugar and carbs. Start your day with eggs, salad for lunch and fish or chicken for dinner with veggies. Nuts and fruit for two snacks!  Clean eating is the best way to loose weight.

2. One of my Fit Chef Katy Top 10 Pitfalls is that “Liquor makes you thicker!!! ” So avoid all sips. Plus other liquid calories like smoothies, juicing and sports drinks are wasted sugar calories. I’m sure you’re not drinking soda by now so I don’t have to mention that. Try sparkling water with fruit and herbs, kim bucks, plain tea or coffee and lots of water!!

3.  Add plyometrics and sprints to your workout. Jump squats, mountain climbers or burpees plus 100 yard sprints to bring on the fat burn.  You may feel a bit winded but that means its working. Try 10 reps of each plus a sprint and repeat that circuit 5 times!  If you need more ideas look for my Fit Chef Katy channel on the Pear Sports App

11. Jaime Mcfaden
1. Stay away from any food man made!  This goes for anything in a package or something that isn’t fresh.  Try to eat lots of vegetables and lean proteins (fish, chicken, egg whites, beans…) Take it back to the basics and you will see results – extra water will help too! Put in the goods and flush out the bad stuff.

2. CUT THE SUGAR AND BOOZE – it’s only 10 days you can do it.  Check for hidden sugar in things like salad dressing, drinks and sauces- this is typically the HARDEST for my clients so it deserves its own reminder.

3. Strength training 3 times per week and 30-60 minutes of cardio everyday – the more you jiggle now the less you will later.  Fight to get tight!

12. Victoria Garcia Drago
When it comes to losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight, women and even men have asked me what the key is for years.

1. If you only have 10 days and you want to get quick results, you may opt for an organic juice cleanse for 3 days to shock your body and boost your metabolism. This will be like a reboot to your system.

2. After the juice cleanse, drink plenty of water (room temperature is best as drinking iced water can be harsh for the digestive system) with a few slices of lemon, limes, (and in the summer you can add sliced cucumbers) to keep body hydrated, your skin radiant and to keep your stomach filled. Also, most often than not, when you feel the sensation of being hungry it can be thirst. Have an 8oz glass of lemon water before eating any food, wait 10 minutes, and if still hungry, eat your food. Leave at least two hours or more in between intakes of food so your body can have time to digest. Notes: Make sure the lemon water is homemade, lemonade sold in stores is packed with sugar. Also, when making your own lemon water, make sure you do not add any sugar.

3. Last tip is mindfulness and discipline. Most people eat out of boredom or anxiety. If you find yourself bored, play your favorite music and start dancing, if you are at work, try going for a short walk during your break. Also, stay active; remember that exercise is important to maintaining a healthy weight. Think of you calories as banking… You don’t spend the money you don’t have so you don’t bounce your account, same analogy goes for food. Don’t eat calories you won’t burn through the day. Eat as many calories as your body burns to maintain weight, and eat lower amount for weight loss (consult a professional if you need guidance).

When you prepare your meals, make sure that for lunch and dinner, the bulk of your plate comes from greens and vegetables (1/2 your plate), the other ½ would be a ¼ lean protein and ¼ carbs (if you are active) , include a little bit of and healthy fats (olive oil, avocado for example).

For breakfast, try making a smoothie with plain yogurt, (plain is the best way to go because it has the smallest amount of sugar) with 1 piece of fruit of your choice and protein. If you are still hungry, try a handful of nuts (size of your palm), sliced apple w/almond or peanut butter, 2 scrambled eggs (can be mixed with some veggies).  Keep your sugar intake minimized, if any at all.  Keep your fruit intake to 3 pieces a day (fruits have sugar, even though it’s natural sugar and it’s less harmful than processed sugar). Remember that processed sugar and processed foods will leave your stomach feeling empty, leading your to eat more when unnecessary. Read labels, know what you are putting in your body. If you can’t pronounce the ingredients, and if it’s an endless list, you may be better off eating something closer to nature. The less processed the better. The closer to nature, the more nourishing it’ll be and the more satisfied you’ll be.

13. Paul Stainthorpe
1. Eat right and train right – exercising while eating a balanced diet can boost weight loss. Exercise not only makes you feel great but will make you look great too.

2. Get into a routine – A healthy routine with a balanced diet will make your weight loss goal much more achievable. Not only that but it will make your journey sustainable. Too many people lose weight (and too quickly) only to find the weigh coming back on.

3. Make sure your home is well stocked – Wandering around the house aimlessly looking for something to chew on? Make sure your house is always stocked full of fruit and snacks like raisins (or whatever you enjoy snacking on). If you don’t have it in the house you’ll be tempted to grab that bag of crisps or biscuit and everyone has those in!

14. Matt Swierzysnki
1. Reduce consumption of ’empty’ calories for instance biscuits, fizzy drinks, processed foods.

2. Get active daily – walk, run, cycle, swim, dance, play sport etc. Make exercise fun and challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone.

3. Drink more water and also eat smaller portions 4-6 times throughout the day – use smaller plates, dishes etc.

15. Kellie Davis:Kellie Davis
1. Set small, reachable goals rather than a quick fix. You can realistically lose .5-2 pounds of fat per week. Fat loss and weight loss are not the same thing. Many diets that promote rapid weight loss factor in the loss of muscle mass and water as well. Ideally you can lose 2 pounds of fat at most in 10 days.

2. Track your food in a notebook. Write down everything you eat in a given day even if it is just one or two bites. Visually seeing what you are eating is very eye opening and it can help you pinpoint where any extra calories are coming from.

3. Increase your water intake and eat plenty of leafy green vegetables. Doing this will help you feel fuller faster and will also promote good digestion. 

16. Lisa Marie Kinder
1. ban white bread, pasta and sugar (read labels) and eat green veggies in abundance.

2. drink plenty of water; add lemon wedges and mint leaves to it

3. Manage stress levels; by resting and getting adequate amounts of sleep (6 hours), I encourage yoga weekly & 30 minutes of movement/exercise daily

17. Nicole Chaplin:Nicole Chaplin
1. Plan and write down your meals. This will help you keep on track and allow you to monitor the amount of food and beverages you are in taking. The cleaner and healthier you eat the better and quicker you will see results.

2. Get moving. The best way to lose weight and lose it rapidly is to burn more calories. If you can do a jog for 15 minutes, go for it and add an additional 5 to 10 minutes.

You get out what you put in. So boost the cardio more doing an activity you enjoy and begin to create a lifestyle.

3. Get enough sleep! Sleep affects your metabolism and weight. If you have chronic sleep deprivation it may cause weight gain by affecting the way your body processes and stores carbohydrates, and by altering levels of hormones this affect your appetite. So it’s imperative to get proper sleep and feel rejuvenated for the next day ahead.

18. Kelly LeVeque
1. Clean up your diet. Eliminate all grains, processed foods and sugar. Limit salt intake to mineral dense salts like Himalayan Pink Salt and enhance foods with herbs and spices instead of condiments. Focus on 4 oz of wild or grass fed protein at each meal, eat water rich and fiber packed vegetables to cleanse the colon and include at least a tbsp of healthy fats at each meal. (i.e.: coconut oil, avocado or raw nuts) If you are looking to kick your weight loss into overdrive, replace 1-2 meals with a #bewellsmoothie.

2. Timing is everything. Drink water (1/2 your body weight in oz) in between the meals to properly cleanse and hydrate without interfering with the digestion. Strive to maintain a least a 4 hour window between meals for proper digestion and a surge in human growth hormone that will whittle your middle.  Shoot to have a full 12 hour fast between dinner and breakfast, this will ensure your organs are getting the chance to detox appropriately and speed up weight loss. Aim for at least 8 quality hours of sleep in a cool, silent, blacked out room.

3. Get Sweaty. Yoga, weight training, sprints or an infrared sauna will work. Sweating is one of the four ways our body can detox (poop, pee, breath and sweat). When we get moving or sweat in a sauna, our body naturally works to regulates us back to normal. This effort allows our whole body to detox, burning hundreds of calories but more importantly, increasing our heart rate and breathing. Aim to sweat at least once a day and mix it up to naturally increase your bodies ability to sweat and avoid a plateau. Sweat is sexy!


19. Alex Curtis
1. Portion Control- being able to visualize portion sizes is an important diet tool.  If you understand what a portion really looks like you will be able to monitor how much you are consuming.  Here are some helpful tips.

  • 1 cup cooked rice, pasta, etc= 1 baseball
  • 1 medium fruit= 1 baseball
  • 1 cup fresh fruit/vegetables= 1 baseball
  • 3 oz. meat/poultry= deck of cards
  • 3 oz, grilled/baked fish= check book
  • 2 tbs peanut butter or hummus= 1 golf ball
  • 1 oz. cheese= 3 stacked dice
  • 1 cup yogurt= 1 baseball
  • 1 tbs dressing= 1 poker chip
  • 1 cup strawberries= about 12
  • 1 cup carrots= about 12 baby
  • ¼ cup almonds= about 24
  • 1 tsp oil= size of tip of thumb

2. Clean eating- foods we purchase daily are filled with added preservatives and sugars.  Refined sugars are a diet disaster.  It is important to limit processed foods.  Aim to eat foods that contain less than 6 ingredients.  Try not to eat things that have sugar as one of the top 4 ingredients.  This can be written as sugar, corn syrup, fructose, and many other names.  Stick to whole foods like fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains such as quinoa, barley, and brown rice.

3. Small frequent meals- It is important to not let yourself get hungry.  In order to keep your energy up and your metabolism going you need to eat about every 4 hours.  When your body goes too long without food it starts to protect itself by storing calories and fat when you do finally eat.  Not letting yourself get too hungry will also prevent you from eating too much during meals.  Keep with 5-6 small meals throughout the day.

20. Lisa Bargstadt
Let me start by saying the weight that is first dropped is water weight (bloat).

1. Eat clean and only whole foods. Eat your proteins, carbs, and fats, but make sure they are un processed. When it comes to carbs, whole grains are great!

2. Exercise at least 5 days out of the 7 in a week. DON’T BE AFRAID TO LIFT HEAVY, but always make sure it is what your body can handle. Listen to your body!

3. Drink lots of water!! Water will help flush your body, and of course keep you hydrated!! 

21. Alexandra Williams
1. Do the least amount possible. That way you’ll be successful. For example, instead of saying, “I’ll do 30 minutes of exercise today,” then giving up when you don’t do it, say, “I’ll do 5 minutes of exercise.” You can certainly find 5 minutes.

2. Be realistic. If you gained 50 pounds over several years, plan to lose it at the same rate. So in 10 days, you should aim to lose 2 pounds. That way you’ll be successful.

3. Think of 3 foods you like, but don’t LOVE. Cut those portions in half for all 10 days. 

22. Faya
Whilst I prefer not to focus on unsustainable and rapid weight loss, the three elements that I recommend my clients focus on for their holiday shape are as follows:

1. Nutrition & Hydration – the body is 70% composed of water, and it’s involved in almost every systemic function – ensuring the appropriate level of hydration prior to your workout lifts your training efficiency, and enables your body to make full use of its fuel for your session. Eliminating refined sugars, going low-GI, opting for a diet rich in lean proteins, pursuing healthy fats (think avocados, olive oil, and fish) & eating little-and-often through the day are the best way to regulate sugar levels.

2. Training – appropriate and correct training is crucial. A plan that’s tailor-made to suit your body’s strengths and weaknesses isn’t a luxury but a necessity, otherwise injury will follow, which could really ruin holiday! Rest days are allowed so long as they’re complemented by intense on-days of maximal dedication. Compound exercises will help to burn more calories by involving more muscle groups.

3. Sleep – to facilitate the best recovery, repair and mental alertness, get 7.5 hours a night where possible.

23. Heidi Kristoffer
1. Aim to get 8 hours of sleep every night

2. Eat nurturing, wholesome, filling foods

3. Do lots of twisting poses for Detox, along with strength building Poses to build more muscle which burns more fat.

24. Jamie Crowe
1.  Cut out ALL starchy carbs and fruit – it’s almost impossible to lose any kind of significant (more then 3-5 lbs) FAT in 10 days, but you CAN lose a pretty decent amount of weight coming from water, carbs and salt.  Starchy carbs hold about three times their weight in water, so if you have 100 grams of carbs from breads that means an extra 300 grams of water you will hold on too!  So for 10 days, only veggies, no fruit and no breads!

2.  Cut out all salt besides what’s naturally in food.  This is somewhat obvious, but a major player in water retention is salt intake.  And generally speaking, most people consume too much salt in their diets, while dropping salt intake down, shoot for 100 oz’s of water per day if you are under 160 and 140 oz’s per day if your over 160.  Dropping the salt and increasing water will cause your body to drastically reduce any extra water it may be holding onto.

3. Perform 2-4 short “tabata” style work outs (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for 8 rounds) throughout the day.  Don’t worry about making it really difficult, just get up and move your booty.  Good movements are basic body weight movements like – planks, jump squats, ground touch jump squats, pushups, air squats, lateral lunges, back ward lunges, forward lunges, squat thrusts, burpees, etc.  Mix the movements up!  Don’t think you have to perform the same movement for all 8 rounds.

Bonus tip!!!  Fix your posture!  This won’t actually cause you to lose any weight (it may though) but standing with better posture makes you look thinner.  A great, simple posture exercise is to think about pulling your belly button to your spine while squeezing your glutes.  Your abs and butt should be about 20% tight, while your doing that, think about pulling your shoulders back together.”

25. Shelly Eichas
1. Drink a full glass of water before starting each meal. You will most likely reduce the amount of calories you eat during that meal.

2. When sitting down to a meal, it should be made up of at last half vegetables(lunch and dinner, usually more fruit at breakfast time). Eat the vegetables first along with the lean protein and THEN eat the carbohydrate portion of the meal, but only if you’re still hungry. If you’re not still hungry, then don’t eat it. The starch/carbohydrate usually contains more calories than the other components in the meal, so saving it till last helps to cut unnecessary calories as most people are not still hungry by the time they finish everything else.

3. When you get a craving for something that you probably should not have while trying to lose weight, brush your teeth. It sounds silly but think about it; things do not taste as good when you have that minty, just brushed taste in your mouth. It will help to fend off cravings.

26. Michael George
1. Do a juice fast for 7 days, then introduce 1 protein shake per day into your diet for the final 3-days.

2. Reduce your carbohydrate intake to a bare minimum, just eat primarily lean protein sources, and vegetables for 10 days.

3. Do 60 to 90 minutes of moderate intensity cardio exercise for 10 days in a row.

27. Brooke Taylor1. Start keeping a food journal. Today 90% of the population uses some version of a smart phone that gives us the opportunity to download various apps. Two food apps that I recommend playing around with are “lose it” or “my fitness pal.”As we have all heard a million times “Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym.” Becoming aware of what you are putting in your body throughout the day is your first step at creating a long lasting program that will help you trim down your waist and start losing weight on the scale.

2. Plan Ahead. You know that feeling where you are ravenous and will eat just about anything in sight in order to make your stomach stop growling? Make sure you are consuming an adequate amount of protein and vegetables throughout the day by incorporating them in every snack and every meal. This will keep your blood sugar balanced and avoid the urge for your mid afternoon sweet treat. Pack snacks, plan ahead, and focus on giving your body nutrients/energy opposed to the first thing you see in a deli.

3. Keep your workout efficient and wear a heart rate monitor. If your goals are to lose weight you need to train entirely different then if you are trying to improve your endurance. So why would you leave it as a guessing game if you have a set goal that you want to achieve? My all time favorite model is the “Polar FT 60 Heart Rate Monitor.” My suggestion is to use this tool to aid in an interval training circuit 3x a week followed by cardio intervals. Get off the machines and incorporate stability exercises as well as full body movements into your workouts. This will not only help you improve your stability, strength, endurance, but also target your deep intrinsic muscles that support your core. You will then kill two birds with one stone getting in your strength and cardio training in one shot. By monitoring your heart rate throughout you will leave the gym energized instead of exhausted. AS you start to condition yourself over time you will naturally be forced to challenge yourself in new ways in order to achieve your goals and elevate your heart rate.

28. Terry Asher
Even before you start workout there are plenty of tricks and tips for you to lose body fat. Certain foods, hydration and protein all will play a key role in your metabolism and fat burning ability.

1. Barley For Breakfast – Swedish researchers found that eating barley or rye kernels for the first meal of the day lead to more stable blood sugar levels. Both are considered to below on the glycemic index, raising your blood sugar very slowly. This will help stabilize your blood sugar and help you avoid peaks and valleys that can leave you feeling famished.

2. Drink Plenty of Water- Water is in every cell in your body, and when dehydrated your body is running less efficiently than normal. It’s very important to stay hydrated for weight loss because it also boosts your metabolism by an additional 50 calories a day, that’s 5 pounds a year!

3. Eat More Protein- Adding about 1gram per pound of body weight can help you maintain lean muscle mass and lose weight faster. Research showed that protein could burn up to 35 percent more calories post meal.

29. Dave Asprey
1. Switch from inflammation-causing vegetable oil back to the highly stable healthy ghee your grandmother used.

2. Replace rice and potatoes with more vegetables. Cauliflower makes a great replacement for rice in any style of cooking but doesn’t end up on your hips.

3. Fructose, even from fruit, will give you food cravings all day if you have it for breakfast. If you eat fruit, eat it after dinner, not in the morning, so you can sleep during the food cravings.

30. Alicia Monae
1. Drink more water

2. Cut out extra calories (sodas, sugars, sauces, dressing)

3. Be more active, 30 min of cardio 5x a week.

31. Valerie Orsoni
1. Cut portions in half. Really. 50%. Share it or box it. So often portions are wayyyy too big. I am currently in Italy and constantly see dishes that would seem like food for trolls in some other places. And guess what? Italians are pretty much all in a great shape!

2. Start each meal with a green tea (hot, but not too hot). This will fill up your stomach which size is the size of your fist (yes, really) and will naturally curb your appetite by 25%.

3. Aim at 20,000 steps a day. Not the average 10,000. This would be a minimum to not gain weight. To lose weight you need to amp up your game and double up the minimum. Note that you can slice those 20k steps in as many steps as you want like 10 x 2000, 1 x20k, 20 x 1000, etc……

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