October 05, 2017

Health Care Solution:

Reduce any dark circles and under eye bags, you’ve accumulated from years of having fun.

Why do we get eye circles?

10 Health Care Solution For Dark Circle,Over time, skin naturally loses collagen and develops more slender, so paying little mind to what sort of skin you have or what great propensities you keep up, veins will unavoidably begin to appear through the thin skin around your eyes. As we definitely know, presentation to the sun accelerates the procedure of collagen separating, so your best weapon against under-eye circles are restrained and predictable sunblock application propensities from a youthful age. (Wearing shades while out in the sun helps, as well – less squinting, fewer crows feet!)

The best propensities, be that as it may, can't change your qualities! Hereditary qualities are the greatest determinant of what sort of skin we will have and what we'll look like as we age. Those of us that have acquired reasonable or thin skin tends to appear under circles more effortlessly than others because of the way that when our blood pools in the vessels under our eyes, it's essentially more evident through the lighter skin. Sadly, as more blood gathers there, your fragile vessels start to extend and strain under the weight, prompting additionally spilling and blood pooling – and at last much darker under eye circles.

The best routines from Healthcare Solution for getting rid of dark circles and under-eye bags,

1. Cold compress

In the morning or evening – or better yet, in the morning AND the evening – apply a cold compress for about 10 minutes. If you have a mask you can keep in your fridge and pull out twice a day, that’s the easiest way to try this dark circle reducing method. Just make sure to keep it clean and give it a good soapy scrub a few times a week!

2. Cucumbers


https://givemesomehealth.blogspot.com/2017/10/10-health-care-solution-for-dark-circle.htmlWe’ve all seen cucumbers used as cold compresses on television and in films – but do they really work?

In fact, cucumbers have skin-lightening and mildly astringent properties so you can use cucumber slices to fix raccoon eyes naturally.

To try this method twice a day, chop a fresh cucumber into thick slices and then refrigerate for 30 minutes. Then, leave the slices on your eyes for 10 minutes. Rinse your eye area with warm (but not hot) water after using.

3. Cucumber juice + lemon juice

If cucumber slices don’t work for you, try mixing equal parts cucumber and lemon juice and then use a cotton ball to apply to your under-eye circles. (DO NOT get lemon juice in your eye!) Leave the solution on your skin for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

4. Rose Water

Rose WaterRosewater doesn’t just smell fantastic – it can also soothe and rejuvenate tired skin. Like cucumber, it’s a mild astringent so it can work as a skin toner. Just soak cotton makeup remover pads in rose water for a few minutes, and then let the soaked makeup pads sit on your CLOSED eyelids. Leave them for about 15 minutes twice daily.

5. Tomatoes

TomatoesTomatoes are high in lycopene, a substance that’s excellent for your cardiovascular health, vision and your skin. Lycopene can help create softer, more supple skin, as well as decrease the appearance of dark under eye circles.

To gain the medical benefits of the lycopene found in tomatoes, mix equal parts tomato juice with lemon juice and then use a cotton ball or makeup remover pad to apply it to your under eye area. (Again, PLEASE do not get lemon juice in your eyes.) Leave the solution for 10 minutes and then rinse with warm water, twice daily.

A tasty concoction of tomato juice, lemon juice, and mint leaves to drink daily will also help improve your overall health as well as your skin.

6. Cold tea bags


If you don’t have a cold compress or mask to use, substitute with tea bags. Many teas like green tea have the added benefit of antioxidants, which have anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe strained capillaries in your under eye area.

To use cold tea bags as a compress, soak a tea bag in clean water and then place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Then, place the tea bags on your eyes. Leave for 10 minutes or so twice daily before removing and rinsing the area with warm water.

7. Potatoes

Potatoes are a surprising source of lots of vitamin C, which among other things is great for the synthesis of collagen to promote healthier, younger-looking skin.

To harness the power of vitamin C to treat your under eye bags, grate some potatoes. Extract the juice from the potato and soak some cotton makeup remover pads in the juice. Place the pads on your eyes for about 10 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

8. Cold milk

 Dairy products like milk are a great source of vitamin A, which contains retinoids that are great for keeping skin looking bright and young.To gain the benefits of milk’s vitamin A, soak a cotton makeup remover pad in a bowl of cold milk for a while. Use the pad to apply the milk to your under eye bags and let it sit for about 10 minutes, twice daily. Rinse with warm water.

 9. Orange juice

Since orange juice is high in both vitamin A and C content, it can help remove dark circles from under your eyes. Add a few drops of glycerin to orange juice and then soak a cotton makeup remover pad to apply to your under-eye skin. You’ll reap the benefits of orange’s vitamins as well as the natural glow glycerin gives to your skin.

10. Vitamin E oil

Vitamin E helps fight the effect of free radicals that cause signs of aging like wrinkles. Before bed at night, apply a drop of oil (a little goes a long way) to your dark under eye circles, gently massaging it into the skin. Leave this on your skin overnight and in the morning, rinse with warm water.

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